Maximizing Efficiency To Deliver First-Class Results

Lets Talk

Construction / Production Drawings

As a leader in structural engineering services, Vee Technologies has adapted to current market conditions by providing construction/production drawings for our structural engineering clients. Staffing constraints and a lack of qualified resources highlight this value across multiple industries. For the past decade, our structural teams have supported clients around the world by meeting their demands in volume, operational efficiency, cost and schedule. Our transformational processes, personnel, and quality procedures assist any organization by eliminating this task from your engineering workload.

Our unique differentiator is that we make an immediate impact to your organization by rerouting some or all of your production volume to a partner-based workflow to achieve maximum efficiency.

We support structural firms and work in practice areas such as healthcare, high rise, multifamily residential, mixed use, retail, hospitality, corporate, education, institutional and industrial.

We offer a wide range of services, including:

  • Structural framing
  • Decking joists and trusses
  • Footing and column schedules
  • Reinforced cement and concrete
  • Layout and member details
  • Bar bending schedules
  • Quantity estimations with measurements
  • Bills of Material for shop drawings

Advanced IT Solutions in Product Engineering

IT solutions vastly upgrade Vee Technologies’ engineering services by enhancing design precision, streamlining processes, and enabling real-time collaboration. The advanced IT tools boost efficiency, reduce costs, and accelerate time-to-market, ensuring superior product quality.

High-quality Product Engineering Solutions for Excellence! Contact us to learn more! Contact Us!